If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. However imaginary racist, derogatory or just plane chauvinistic it might inadvertently sound, if you – Yes You! – met this lady in the street and struck up a conversation somehow, we defy anyone who doesn’t know or never seen or heard of Dr. Houriya Kazim to guess who she is, what she does or indeed where she is from.  You might put her down as an American, a yoga instructor perhaps in her spare time, or more likely a P.C. advocate – That’s Presidential Candidate, but you would NEVER guess she is a top breast surgeon born and bred of the United Arab Emirates and trained at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (R.C.S.I) and received her ‘Fellowship’ in 1993.  Dr. Houriya Kazim is also the first U.A.E. female national to acquire such qualification and poition.


So what?  You might well exclaim and so what indeed in some sort of Politically Correct appeasement. Well female surgeons throughout the Arab world are as rare as unicorn tracks full stop. You’ll find a lot, an awful lot of doctors both male and female and even a few surgeons now, but way back in the 90s, all on her biddy little own, Dr. Houriya Kazim persevered and made her mark.  Plus, an awful lot of people find this fact very interesting and Dr. Houriya is a sought after speaker and travels widely telling her story. Apart from that, Dr. Houriya has, with sad irony, a thriving business in Dubai where she operates on whoever needs it. She also set up a cancer support group ‘BREAST FRIENDS‘ of which you can hear about in the attached interview.

Dr. Houriya was conducting one of those talks at the R.C.S.I. in Bahrain when ‘www.whodoeswhat.tv‘ managed to sit her down for a second, where she gladly answered our curiosities