Just a token shoofty around the Four Seasons tent during the Meida Ghabga which the hotel so kindly invited us to. Actually during Ramadan
most businesses of all sizes hold the mid to late night dinner in their respective tents (or Khaymat as it is in Arabic). Those that use the media a lot, kindly invite us all for a slap up, which can’t be bad.
In fact there are so many Ghabgas going on during the holy month it is very difficult to keep up with them all and many fall on the same nights, so members of the media who, out of social and business respect wish to attend as many as possible, might find that a tough call. Those that do, surely end up a little bloated most nights, which sort of defies the principle of Ramadan a little bit. (This writer was unable to attend the Four Season’s bash due to illness, but our roving girl on camera ‘Svetlana Prodanova’ reported back that the night, the ambience, the food, even the entertainment, was first class. Kudos!)
If we missed your Ghabga, no applogies.
Just a note here if you are an hotel, Embassy or Corporation or whatever reading this. Your complaints have been heard! Whodoeswhat.tv would dearly love to attend as many events as possible. However, if your event was not featured, it is because you did not include Whodoeswhat.tv on your invitation list or failed to reliably inform us of your event. Many organizations, PR or Marketing sections just expect us to turn up on open invitation without official notification, but that is not going to happen as respectful as it is. When not working for Bahrain TV, Whodoeswhat.tv is basically producing independent broadcast video, thus can only cover so much and video is not like photography or scribes, it takes up vasts amount of time by comparison, which tends to be overlooked by the unititiated. At any function, it is Whodoeswhat.tv in first and last to leave; then there are often days in the editing room compiling something interesting, if not simply sensible. These invitation lists are well populated by journalists mainly, with associated photographers default. If Whodoeswhat.tv in not on your list then no loss on our part as such, but as you can see, the Four Seasons Hotel had Whodoeswhat.tv at the top of their list and invitations sent out with kind reminders, so this is the one we covered. One hopes that kindly answers your query as to why whodoeswhat.tv did NOT attend your event. (We didn’t know about it!)