October 2015:  ‘The Russian are(n’t) coming’ – they’ve been here a quite a while!

As with so many celebrations of  ‘bilateral’ love affairs between countries just recently, including the UN 70th and Turkey’s 92nd and about 50 other gatherings which ‘Who Does What .TV’ was not privvy to; (It’s ok, we had chicken tikka takeaways on those nights), well not to be left out, the Russians took a stab at it too by hosting a poignant photo exhibition at the Art Centre – depicting not only good relations and memorable moments with Bahrain, but cultural acumen, coupled with a touch of military and textile ability.  Mr. Vagif Garaev Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (that is what it reads on their web site), a very nice man, along with his amicable and jovial team at the embassy set it all up with Shaikh Mai Bint Mohammed Al Khalifa; President at the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities.  There were many other Ambassadors and dignitaries present at the two day event.


Who Does What . TV, didn’t get chance to actually microphone type interview Ambassador Vagif (who prefers to speak in Arabic in the local media) because it was a bit hectic there for a while, but the gentlemen mentioned to the press that we can expect more to come in cultural exchanges. ** One hopes a good showing at the upcoming Bahrain Air Show in January too **

Who Does What has of course been to the Embassy a few times to record interviews with the Ambassador for Calendar events and a we like it there because they take great care of – and feed the stray cats in their gardens. We’re not sure these pussy cats like ‘borscht’ that much but whatever is they are getting, they look very well on it.